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    Printer Stands

    Printer stands are designed to provide the user with the maximum comfort when using the printer. These portable stands are fitted with wheels so can be easily moved around the office, home or any other workspace. Most of the models have a height regulation. It means that stands are designed to meet requirements of many users.

    What to consider before buying the printer stand.

    There are few aspects that are important when it comes to choosing the right printer stand:

    • The size of the desk supposed to be big enough to store printer and additional equipment if necessary. Office printers are usually bigger and need much more room for operation while the home printers can fit onto even small stands.

    • Wheels guarantee extra mobility in the office and printer can be easily moved from one place in the office to another. These days, most of the printers' work wirelessly which means the portable stands are even more useful.

    • Adjustable height offers extra comfort as can be set up to the height that is comfortable for all users.

    • Additional storage such as extra cupboard or drawers is always useful. Especially, for storing spare inks/toners or paper so everything is always in place when it's needed.

    3 Producten voor Printer Stands

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