The M5Stack HEART is built using the MAX30100 chipset. MAX30100 is a complete pulse oximetry and heart-rate sensor system solution designed for the demanding requirements of wearable devices. The MAX30100 provides very small total solution size without sacrificing optical or electrical performance. Minimal external hardware components are needed for integration into a wearable device.
Programmable Sample Rate and LED Current f or Power Sav ings Ultra-Low Shutdown Current (0.7μA, ty p) Adv anced Functionality Improv es Measurement Perf ormance High Sample Rate Capability Fast Data Output Capability GROVE interf ace Sof tware Dev elop platf orm: Arduino Two Lego-compatible holes
For Use With
M5 Core, M5StickC, M5StickV
ECG, Heart-Rate Variability, Single-Lead Event Monitors for Arrhythmia Detection, Single-Lead Wireless Patches for At-Home/In-Hospital Monitoring