Every time you need to upgrade to a new processor, your old development boards go in the bin and youre left facing the task of buying a new one and interfacing both software and hardware to the existing application circuits, a time-wasting and expensive process. RS is pleased to announce we have developed a solution to this perennial problem: the Embedded Development Platform or EDP.
Extended Eurocard motherboard with four identical module stations Economy motherboard with two module stations A range of plug-in processor and application modules Automotive-quality PCBs designed for robust treatment EDP Driver archive: http://www.designspark.com/eng/knowledge-item/rs-edp-archive-of-manuals-test-programs-and-drivers EDP Test Program archive: http://www.designspark.com/eng/knowledge-item/rs-edp-archive-of-test-programs EDP 'Hello World' Program archive: http://www.designspark.com/eng/knowledge-item/rs-edp-archive-of-hello-world-programs